Red Dead Redemption Funny Qyickdraw Video
If there's anything gamers love more than gaming, it's probably memes. Video games are the perfect source for memes because of their less-than-realistic graphics, funny AI, and what some like to call "game logic." Though most games tend to follow real-world rules, sometimes that can look a little ridiculous. Some games, like the two in theRed Dead Redemption series, have so many characters and such an involved storyline it's hardnot to create memes out of them. If you follow the series at all or know anything about good ole John Marston, you're bound to laugh at these ten memes.
10 Red Dead Redemption vs. Priorities

Who says you need a social life when you have a game as immersive and entertaining as Red Dead Redemption 2? The story is incredibly involved, and with all the different side missions on top of all the hunting, shopping, murder-spreeing, etc. you can do, it's easy to spend all of your time playing. But hey, you (hopefully) only buy the game once, and if you really do spend all your time playing it, it's kind of saving you money, isn't it? This is the kind of mentality to take to enjoy a meme like this one.
9 Growing Up With Jack Marston

The originalRed Dead Redemption was the game to start the decade out, andRed Dead Redemption 2 came out in 2018 to wrap the decade up. Unsurprisingly, a majority ofRDR2's fanbase came from the originalRed Dead game. Most of the players who lovedRed Dead Redemption were teenagers in 2010 who have come back to loveRed Dead Redemption 2 as adults. By the timeRed Dead Redemption 2 comes to a close in 1907, Jack Marston has grown from the four-year-old he is at the beginning of the story into a pre-teen. When gamers first met Jack inRed Dead Redemption, he was sixteen years old; by the end of the story, he was eighteen years old. So though the storyline is a little messed up, in a way, gamers can still feel like they grew up with Jack Marston.
8 Dangerous Enemies

If you find yourself on the wrong side of the law, lawmen can be a pretty dangerous bunch—especially if you find yourself in a state with a bounty on your head. Grizzly bears and cougars don't really discriminate, and if you don't have the right loadout, they can be some of the deadliest pawns on the board. But not all enemies inRed Dead games are living and breathing with weapons on hand; water is definitely one of the most dangerous foes you'll face while out there on the range.
7 Persuasive Arthur

There's no two ways about it; no matter if you're playing Arthur Morgan with high honor or low, you're going to have to threaten some people along the way to freedom. He's an outlaw, and within his gang, he's well-known for getting information and money out of people. Why do you think Strauss sends him on all those loan-sharking missions? Some people have even thought to bring Arthur out into the real world to get the results they're looking for. Hopefully they aren't taking people out the way Arthur does when they don't pay up!
6 Aesthetics Over Functionality

Red Dead acts the same way Rockstar's other successful seriesGrand Theft Auto does in that there are some upgrades you can make to your equipment that matter and some that are purely for aesthetics. For example, you have plenty of options available for engraving, varnishing, carving, and covering your guns with leather, but there are really only one or two upgrades you can make that affect your gun's functionality. So if you don't really mind paying money to look fancy without adding much functionality, go right ahead!
5 X to Greet; B to Antagonize

You can never be too wary of strangers in the wide-open world ofRed Dead Redemption 2, especially in the big city of Saint Denis. For the most part, strangers are friendly, especially if you're just passing them on the street. There are some that will take advantage of your kindness (or react to your hostility) so it's best to be ready to wield your closest firearm at all times. This goes for dealing with strangers and other players alike in the world ofRed Dead Online as well.
4 Games of the Year

Rockstar'sRed Dead Redemption 2 and Ubisoft'sAssassin's Creed Odyssey came out within a week of each other back in October 2018. These kinds of releases can be a gamer's dream or a nightmare depending on how much time and money they have to commit to gaming. The creator of this meme definitely had enough of both to enjoy two of the biggest games of 2018 at the same time—as well as enough time and knowledge in pop culture to make the ties between these games andNight at the Museum's most beloved characters.
3 Drake Goes Hunting

InRed Dead Redemption 2, there isn't much point to hunting and killing animals that only have two stars. Their pelts don't amount to good crafts or much money; their meat isn't as beneficial as three-star or legendary animals. So really, why waste the ammo and time it takes to hunt them down when you could use it to go after a perfect or legendary animal instead? (Just make sure to use the right weapon so you don't destroy the pelt and meat!)
2 How to Get High Honor

It's funny the way game mechanics work, right? It doesn't seem that greeting a couple of strangers on the street would be enough to counteract deeds such as, well, killing strangers, but hey. Anything goes in Rockstar's world. Besides, it's got to be much easier to counteract your dirty deeds as an outlaw in the early 20th century than you might think. It's not like they had the Internet to circulate Arthur's face all over the place at the speed of light! Maybe that explains it? At least a little bit?
1 The Rootinest Tootinest Cowboy in the Wild, Wild West

John Marston and Arthur Morgan are arguably two of the best video game protagonists of the decade and two of the coolest cowboys to ever come to any screen. But that doesn't mean everyone should up and forget likely the first cowboy to prove the Wild West was a pretty great place to be, right? Sheriff Woody would no doubt put John, Arthur, and the rest of Dutch's gang into their place as soon as he stepped into town, because who would want to disappoint Woody? He might even get Micah to behave.
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